By default, all accounts created on OddJobs are Buyer accounts. The only difference between a Buyer and Seller account is when a Buyer decides to additionally register as a Seller to begin offering services.
Please note that you’re only allowed to have one seller account, for more details please visit our Terms and Conditions.
Creating a Buyer account:
Note: You can also join with your social media accounts which will fill in your details for you.
Tip: Your username is your display name so think long and hard and choose wisely! You won’t be able to change your username after creating it.
Now you have a Buyer account! You can browse through and purchase Job Packages, or freely advertise your own custom request through a Job Post, all available at the Explore page.
Creating a Seller account:
Once you’ve successfully created your Buyer account, you’ll automatically be led to an option to register a Seller account which you’ll need to include your address, job category, job tags, and banking details.
However, you can still register as a Seller later, if you’ve decided to skip this step after creating a Buyer account. To do this:
Once complete, you’ll be led to the Seller Dashboard where you’ll be able to do everything from setting up your profile and selling your first Job Package!
There are two types of cancellations: Penalty-free or Penalty-incurred cancellations
Although ideally we wish all cancellations could be penalty-free, in order to create an efficient ecosystem that benefits the entire community, some cancellations may incur penalties to the user to stop users from acting maliciously on the platform. This will only be the case through the Formal Cancellation request mechanism explained below.
There are two methods to complete a cancellation: Mutual cancellation and Formal cancellation
Mutual cancellation
These are when both parties agree to cancel the order through an understanding of whatever problems that might come up. For Example, if the Buyer accidentally confirms an order or Seller has transportation issues come up and is unable to complete job as agreed. This is almost always the best route to cancellation and will never incur any penalties.
Formal cancellation
These are when both parties fail to agree on a Mutual Cancellation and generally arises from a disputed case or due to technical or communication issues whether the Buyer or Seller is unable to communicate with one another.
In formal cancellation, we will manually review each case based on the information provided to us and those accessible on OddJobs platform based on our terms and conditions. Whether these cancellations incur a penalty will be based on the following scenarios:
If you have had a job marked as ‘Order confirmed’ in your Dashboard, you can begin cancellation process by following the step-by-step guide below.
Step one: Mutually cancel between Buyer and Seller
Mutual cancellations directly between Buyer and Seller are the most popular, successful and fastest way to complete cancellation. We strongly encourage all users to try this method first.
Step two: Submit a formal cancellation request with OddJobs
If you are unable to reach a mutual cancellation between Buyer and Seller, you can submit a formal cancellation through the steps below. This will execute a process where we will look into the case and determine whether a penalty-free cancellation is possible. It is important to also ensure you have read and understood our terms and conditions before submitting.